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Postgres 13 join from another table on JSONB array of String

I have a table with JSONB column. In this column we store identifiers of another table as json array of strings. How can I join the tables

Table Customer:

CustomerID Name Campaigns (JSONB)
1 John [ "rxuatoak", "vsnxcvdsl", "jkiasokd" ]
2 Mick [ "jdywmsks", "nxbsvwios", "jkiasokd" ]

Table Campaign:

CampaignID Identifier CampaignName
1 rxuatoak Alpha
2 vsnxcvdsl Bravo
3 jkiasokd Charlie
4 jdywmsks Delta
5 nxbsvwios Echo

Result something like:

CustomerID Name CampaignNames
1 John Alpha, Bravo, Charlie
2 Mick Delta, Echo, Charlie

I tried many ways, and could only find online help with json objects inside the jsonb column. My jsonb column has simple array of strings.



  • You can apply a JOIN operation between the two tables on condition that an identifier is found within a campaign (using ? operator). Then apply aggregation with STRING_AGG, with respect to the "CustomerID" and "Name"

    SELECT customer.CustomerID,     
           STRING_AGG(campaign.CampaignName, ',') AS CampaignNames
    FROM       customer
    INNER JOIN campaign
            ON customer.Campaigns ? campaign.Identifier
    GROUP BY customer.CustomerID,   

    Check the demo here.