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Dequeue Twilio call reservation to a conference room

I am trying to dequeue an enqueued inbound call to a conference room using PHP/Symfony and the JavaScript Voice SDK.

What I have working now is dequeuing the call to an individual agent. But I want to enable supervisory monitoring and coaching. For this, it seems, I need a conference room.

On the server side I enqueue the call using the default "Assign to Anyone" workflow...

        $voiceResponse = new VoiceResponse;
        $enqueue = $voiceResponse->enqueue('',['workflowSid' => $ccmanager->getWorkflowSid()]);
        $xml = $voiceResponse->asXml();
        $response = new Response($xml, Response::HTTP_OK, ['context-type' => 'text/xml']);
        return $response;

Client side, when one of the agents decides to pick up the call, I dequeue the reservation...

this.dequeueReservation = function(data)
    let contactUri = self.getContactUri();
    let reservation = self.getReservation(data.phone_number);
    if(reservation) {
        console.log('before reservation dequeue');
            30, // seconds to answer
            '', // status callback url
            (error, newReservation) => onDequeue(data, error, newReservation)

Where getContactUri() is...

this.getContactUri = function() {
    switch(self.agent.call_routing) {
        case 'workstation':
            return 'client:' + self.agent.worker_name;
        case 'business_phone':
            return '+1' + self.agent.business_phone;
        case 'other_phone':
            return '+1' + self.agent.other_phone;
            return null;

So all this works great, but there is no way to add supervisor functions with this approach (apparently). What I need to do (apparently) is to dequeue the reservation to a conference room and then separately connect the agent to the conference room.

This would be easy if I was able to create a contactUri for a conference room. However there does not seem to be a 'conference_room:" form of the contactUri however.

Alternately I could perhaps, server-side, route the inbound call first to a conference room and then enqueue the conference room. This does not seem possible.

In any event I need the task queue as part of the solution so I can properly route calls to the various agents.

How do I do this?


  • To dequeue to a conference, you can use either the REST API or the Taskrouter Javascript client.


    Update a Member Resource

    // Download the helper library from
    // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
    // and set the environment variables. See
    const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
    const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
    const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
          .update({url: ''})
          .then(member => console.log(member.callSid));

    The url is the above example is the url that will return Twiml for a conference.

    Create A Simple Conference

    const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
    const response = new VoiceResponse();
    const dial = response.dial();
    dial.conference('Room 1234');

    The Twiml that A Simple Conference produces:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Conference>Room 1234</Conference>

    Taskrouter.js Client

    Use reservation.conference

        function(error, reservation) {
            if(error) {
            console.log("conference initiated");