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Split and group values in excel

Hi I have a column of values which has different suffix after a dot, i need it to group it based on the value after dot. Example i need to split all values that end with .pdf into one column, values with.xls as another column, etc,,, enter image description here

how to do this is my doubt.


  • you can use nested dictionaries

    Sub test()
        With New Scripting.Dictionary
            Dim cel As Range
                For Each cel In Range("A1").CurrentRegion
                    If Not .Exists(Split(cel.Value, ".")(1)) Then .Add Split(cel.Value, ".")(1), New Scripting.Dictionary
                    .Item(Split(cel.Value, ".")(1)).Add cel.Value, 1
                Dim iK As Long
                    For iK = 0 To .Count - 1
                        Range("C1").Offset(, iK).Resize(.Items(iK).Count).Value = Application.Transpose(.Items(iK).Keys)
        End With
    End Sub

    just add reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" library

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