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XML parse : table data to Google Spreadsheet via App Script

I need to parse table data to my spreadsheet, there is no error in log, but cells in spreadsheet are blank. The problem is that I can't use built-in importhtml function, becouse the date-related data in the tag is enered dynamically on the website. I tryied to getchild getchildren but it doesn't work.

The structure of html site looks like this:

        <title>TITLE AAAAA</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <meta content="IE=EmulateIE7" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
        <style type="text/css">
          body {
            font-size: 12px;
            font-family: Arial
          td {
            font-size: 12px;
            line-height: 20px;
            font-family: Arial
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="Function.js"></script>
        <p align="center">
          <b>AAAA: &nbsp; AAAAAA</b>
        <table width="300" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#0066cc">
            <tr align="center" bgcolor="#333399" class="font13">
              <td width="150">
                  <font color="#ffffff">TO_CELL_A1_TEXT</font>
              <td width="150">
                  <font color="#ffffff">TO_CELL_B1_TEXT</font>
              <td width="150">
                  <font color="#ffffff">TO_CELL_C1_TEXT</font>
              <td width="150">
                  <font color="#ffffff">TO_CELL_D1_TIME_TEXT</font>
            <tr align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <td height="20">
                  <font color="red">TO_CELL_A2_TEXT</font>
                  <font color="red">TO_CELL_B2_TEXT</font>
                  <font color="red">TO_CELL_C2_TEXT</font>
                  showtime(2023, 01 - 1, 13, 23, 01, 12)
        <p align="center">SITE_NAME</p>


Is there any solution to this problem?


  • Using the cheerio library, I solved the problem, also added the code that in the D2:D cells it replaces the values, for example: showtime(2023,01-1,20,21,09,48)" into the correct date and time format. I recommend reading the materials linked here by users @rubén and @doubleunary. If you run into a problem like me and you are a beginner, loading the Cheerio library via clasp into the cloned script on your computer will not work, because for const cheerio = require('cheerio');, require is a function available in the CJS module system that handles imports, basically. GitHub users came up against this problem and you should look for a solution to implement Cheerio in GAS, bearing in mind that these are not libraries recommended by Google, but created by users.

    Here is working script in my case:

    function importData() {
      var url = '';
      var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
        muteHttpExceptions: true
      res = res.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(match, capture) {
        return capture;
      const $ = Cheerio.load(res);
      var col1 = $('table tr td:nth-child(1)').toArray().map(x => $(x).text());
      var col2 = $('table tr td:nth-child(2)').toArray().map(x => $(x).text());
      var col3 = $('table tr td:nth-child(3)').toArray().map(x => $(x).text());
      var dateValues = $('table tr td:nth-child(4)').toArray().map(x => $(x).text());
      var table =, i) => [col1[i], col2[i], col3[i], d]);
      var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(1, 1, table.length, table[0].length);
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
      var range = sheet.getRange("D2:D");
      var values = range.getValues();
      var convertedDates = {
        var match = value[0].match(/showtime\((\d+),(\d+)-1,(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/);
        if (match) {
          var year = match[1];
          var month = match[2];
          var day = match[3];
          var hour = match[4];
          var minute = match[5];
          var second = match[6];
          var date = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second);
          return Utilities.formatDate(date, "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
        return "";
      range.setValues( {
        return [x];

    Moreover, while studying, I wrote a script to check ability to fetch data from website, what data is fetched and how does the tree of html looks like. You can use it in script.

    function addMenuTab() {
      var document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
      var menu = DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu("MY PROGRAMS")
        .addItem("1_CLEAN DOC", "menuItem1Function")
        .addItem("2_GENERATE", "menuItem2Function")
        .addItem("3_BOLD RESPONSES", "menuItem3Function")
    function menuItem1Function() {
    function menuItem2Function() {
      var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
      var result = ui.prompt(
        'Check ability to parse website!',
        'Please enter your url:',
      var button = result.getSelectedButton();
      var url = result.getResponseText();
      if (button == ui.Button.OK) {
        ui.alert('Your URL is ' + url + '.');
      } else if (button == ui.Button.CANCEL) {
        ui.alert('I didn\'t get your URL.');
      } else if (button == ui.Button.CLOSE) {
        ui.alert('You closed the dialog box.');
      var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
      var responseOpts1 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, opts1);
      var responseOpts2 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, opts2);
      var opts1 = {
        // methods: get, delete, patch, post, put - by default: get
        'method': 'get',
        // contentType: 'application/json' ;  'application/xml' ; 'application/html' - by default: application/x-www-form-urlencoded&#39
        'contentType': 'text/javascript',
        // key/value map of the HTTP headers for the request;
        'headers': '1',
      var Opts2 = {
      //methods: get, delete, patch, post, put - by default: get
      'method' : 'get',
      'payload' : 'formdata'
      var responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
      Logger.log("Response Code: " + responseCode);
      var headers = response.getHeaders();
      Logger.log("Headers: " + headers);
      var headersText = JSON.stringify(response.getHeaders());
      Logger.log("HeadersText: " + headersText);
      var contentLength = response.getContentText().length;
      Logger.log("Content Length: " + contentLength);
      var allHeaders = response.getAllHeaders();
      Logger.log("All Headers: " + allHeaders);
      var allHeadersText = JSON.stringify(response.getAllHeaders());
      Logger.log("All HeadersText: " + allHeadersText);
      var document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
      var body = document.getBody();
      var contentText = response.getContentText();
      Logger.log("Content Text: " + contentText);
      var contentText2 = responseOpts1.getContentText();
      Logger.log("Content Text & Opts1: " + contentText2);
      var contentText3 = responseOpts1.getContentText();
      // Replace html elements
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/(<(?=link|meta)[^>]*)(?<!\/)>/ig, '$1/>');
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/&(?!amp;)/ig, '&amp;');
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/ /ig, " ");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<table[^>]*>/ig, "<table>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<tr[^>]*>/ig, "<tr>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/width[^>]*>/ig, "<width>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<td[^>]*>/ig, "<td>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<font[^>]*>/ig, "<font>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<p[^>]*>/ig, "<p>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/width[^>]*>/ig, "<width>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<br>|<\/br>/ig, "");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/<style[^>]*>/ig, "<style>");
      contentText3 = contentText3.replace(/(<(p|script|style)[^>]*>)/ig, '$1<![CDATA[').replace(/(<\/(p|script|style)[^>]*>)/ig, ']]>$1')
      Logger.log("Content Text & Opts: " + contentText3);
      var contentText4 = XmlService.parse("<!DOCTYPE html>" + contentText3);
      var root = contentText4.getRootElement().getChild("body");
      var table = root.getChild("table");
      var tbody = table.getChild("tbody");
      var tr = table.getChild("tr");
      var td = tr.getChild("td"); 
      var font = td.getChildren("font"); 
      var script = td.getChildren("script"); 
      body.appendParagraph("Response Code: " + responseCode);
      body.appendParagraph("Headers: " + headers);
      body.appendParagraph("HeadersText: " + headersText);
      body.appendParagraph("Content Length: " + contentLength);
      body.appendParagraph("All Headers: " + allHeaders);
      body.appendParagraph("All HeadersText: " + allHeadersText);
      body.appendParagraph("Content Text: " + contentText);
      body.appendParagraph("Content Text & Opts1: " + contentText2);
      body.appendParagraph("Content Text3: " + contentText3);
      body.appendParagraph("Content Text4: " + contentText4);
      body.appendParagraph("Root: " + root);
      body.appendParagraph("Table: " + table);
      body.appendParagraph("Tbody: " + tbody);
      body.appendParagraph("Tr: " + tr);
      body.appendParagraph("Td: " + td);
      body.appendParagraph("font: " + font);
      body.appendParagraph("script: " + script);
    function menuItem3Function() {
      var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
      var text = doc.getBody().getText();
      var searchString1 = "Response Code: ";
      var searchIndex = text.indexOf(searchString1);
      var responseCode = text.substring(searchIndex + searchString1.length, searchIndex + searchString1.length + 3);
      var textSearched = doc.getBody().findText(searchString1 + responseCode);
      var element1 = textSearched.getElement();
      if (responseCode === "200") {
      } else {
      var body = doc.getBody();
      var searchString = ["Headers", "HeadersText", "Content Length", "All Headers", "All HeadersText", "Content Text", "Content Text & Opts:", "Content Text3:"];
      for (var i = 0; i < searchString.length; i++) {
        var searchResult = body.findText(searchString[i]);
        while (searchResult !== null) {
          var searchResultElement = searchResult.getElement();
          var start = searchResult.getStartOffset();
          var end = searchResult.getEndOffsetInclusive();
          searchResultElement.setBold(start, end, true);
          searchResult = body.findText(searchString[i], searchResult);