Instead of:
A: [user_id_1, user_id_2, etc.]
I want to create this schema:
A: {
user_id_1: true,
user_id_2: true,
The reason is because in order to find if user_id_x is $in A, if it is an array, the time complexity is O(N).
However, as I understand it, the time complexity to find a key value pair is either O(1) or O(logN).
If I choose the schema design for MongoDB, will it have the performance improvements described abolve?
Yes, if you choose the schema design where the property of the field is an object, the time complexity to find a specific user_id would be O(1) or O(logN), as you mentioned. This is because MongoDB uses a hash table data structure to store objects, which allows for constant time lookups using the key-value pairs. This is a significant improvement over the O(N) time complexity of searching through an array. However, this performance improvement will only be seen if the number of keys is relatively small.