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PDFBox - Setting Cover Sheet for PDF Portfolio

I am creating a PDF portfolio from scratch using PDFBox 2.0.16. I create the PDF and add attachments. Once the attachments are added, I then create the PDF Portfolio. The following is the code to create the PDF Portfolio/Package.

COSDictionary collectionDictionary = new COSDictionary();
collectionDictionary.setName( COSName.TYPE, "Collection" );
collectionDictionary.setName( "PDF Filename", "T" );
PDDocumentCatalog catalog = pdfDoc.getDocumentCatalog();
catalog.getCOSObject().setItem( "Collection", collectionDictionary ); pdfFile );

When I open the PDF, the Cover Sheet is a blank page. I would like the Cover Sheet to be the first attachment in the PDF Portfolio/Package so that when a user opens the PDF, the 1st attachment in the portfolio is viewed.


  • What somewhat worked for me (it positioned to this file, as if I had clicked on it in the list) is this:

    collectionDictionary.setString(COSName.D, "Attachment 1");

    where "Attachment 1" is the name used in the name tree in this example.