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Why do I get a 400 error when i'm trying to edit an inline keyboard (node-telegram-bot-api)?

I am making a message with a simple inline keyboard. The expected result would be that when I click on the button it changes together with the message text.

However the button doesn't change and i get this error:

TelegramError: ETELEGRAM: 400 Bad Request: message is not modified: specified new message content and reply markup are exactly the same as a current content and reply markup of the message

I am using the node-telegram-bot-api package.

The code that has to change my keyboard is:

let info_message = {
    text: "some info boi",
    keyboard: {
        reply_markup: {
            inline_keyboard: [
                [{ text: 'Start', callback_data: '!/start' }]

client.on("callback_query", async (cb) => {
    if ( === "!/info") {
        const msg = cb.message;
        const opts = {
            message_id: msg.message_id,
        await client.editMessageReplyMarkup(info_message.keyboard, opts);
        await client.editMessageText(info_message.text, opts);


  • The error occurs because you are trying to edit a message without changing anything in it. If you need to use editMessageText or editMessageReplyMarkup but for some reason you don't change anything then wrap the code in a try catch block (you should always do that). And to remove the clock from the inline keyboard when you click, put some action in the catch block, for example answerCallbackQuery.

    In the above example the user didn't pass the reply_markup parameter correctly, so the message didn't change in any way and the error 400 Bad Request: message is not modified appeared.