I want to embed cal.com on a website build with SvelteKit, but I can't make it work with vanilla javascript instruction from the official documentation.
I followed official documentation for vanilla javascript. I've tried version for Next.js, and It worked flawless, but for some reason I can't make it done in svelte.
Last line Cal("init")
throws error "Cannot find name 'Cal'." And on a server I'm getting "500 Internal Error"
(function (C, A, L) {
let p = function (a, ar) {
let d = C.document;
C.Cal =
C.Cal ||
function () {
let cal = C.Cal;
let ar = arguments;
if (!cal.loaded) {
cal.ns = {};
cal.q = cal.q || [];
d.head.appendChild(d.createElement("script")).src = A;
cal.loaded = true;
if (ar[0] === L) {
const api = function () {
p(api, arguments);
const namespace = ar[1];
api.q = api.q || [];
typeof namespace === "string" ? (cal.ns[namespace] = api) && p(api, ar) : p(cal, ar);
p(cal, ar);
})(window, "https://cal.com/embed.js", "init");
So I figured it out by myself, that I was trying to paste this script in +page.svelte
file. To make it work You need to put it in the head tag in the app.html