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why does kubernetes delete secrets after helm upgrade?

when performing helm upgrade, I find that secrets that are created upon initial install are deleted. Why is this? The example I am using is dagster. When installing with:

helm install dagster dagster/dagster \ --namespace dagster \ --create-namespace

everything starts up fine and secrets are created. When updating the image and tag and performing an upgrade with:

helm upgrade -f charts/dagster-user-deployments/values.yaml dagster ./charts/dagster-user-deployments -n dagster

the image is upgraded, but all secrets are deleted. Why would/ could this happen?

After running the upgrade command, I expect secrets to still be in place, and the new image to be pulled and run.


  • when performing helm upgrade, I find that secrets that are created upon initial install are deleted. Why is this?

    This is currently how helm works, here's the issue opened for discussion, there are several workarounds provided here as well.