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GWT Autobean frozen when saving graph

I am using GWT 2.4 with the editor and request factory frameworks. I have a model, Trip, which has an Address 'origin' and an Address 'destination'. When creating a Trip via the UI, the two addresses are created automatically and assigned to the Trip. User fills out details and saves. For some reason, I am getting the 'autobean frozen error' when trying to persist to the server. This code worked in GWT 2.3 and I cant switch back. I am hoping its not a bug in GWT 2.4. Here is some sample code of what I am doing:

RequestContext request = requestFactory.request();
TripProxy trip = request.create(TripProxy.class);
driver.edit(trip, request);
this.trip = trip;

// … on save button clicked (different method)

RequestContext request = driver.flush();;

Results in:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The AutoBean has been frozen
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor53.invoke(Unknown Source)

The call to fire completes successfully but somewhere from within requestfactory, the above error is thrown. Curiously, the entity is saved on the server however, validations are not enforced. When I simplify the model and remove the Address associations, the validation and save works. My main issue is the autobean frozen error; the validation stuff is secondary.

EDIT: On further investigation I found that the entities are making it to the server okay and persisting as expected. Its upon return that the above exception is thrown. AddressProxy is a ValueProxy and it looks like RF doesnt like Trip coming back with these associations. Returning null 'fixes' the problem but this obviously wont work long term.


  • This was caused by not using the same EntityManager on the server.