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Filebeat on Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) with Helm

I am pretty new to AKS and helm. I need to install filebeat and metricbeat on AKS cluster using Helm Chart. Request any guidance or pointer to get started.


  • Once you have kubernetes cluster up & running and set on AKS you can install the helm locally or the bastion you are using.

    Get and set context of the kubeconfig file of AKS cluster on local or bastion so you can now access the cluster.

    Now, Here is the ready-made helm chart of filebeat

    Run the command : helm repo add elastic

    it will add the helm repo automatically and after that run command

    helm install my-filebeat elastic/filebeat --version 8.5.1

    here we are installing version 8.5.1 you can update other environments and configuration by following the documentation.