Default UI from MUI-Datatables v4.3.0 like this :
And i'am want to make this style :
For information i am using this package : "@mui/material": "^5.11.4" "mui-datatables": "^4.3.0"
How to make The TextField or Input with outlined style.
Based of example MUI-Databales from this link : I have a answer and solution from my case.
My Component CustomSearchRender.js :
import React from "react"; import Grow from "@mui/material/Grow"; import TextField from "@mui/material/TextField"; import { withStyles } from "tss-react/mui"; import { SearchOutlined } from "@mui/icons-material"; import InputAdornment from "@mui/material/InputAdornment"; const defaultSearchStyles = (theme) => ({ searchText: { flex: "0.8 0", marginTop: 10, }, searchIcon: { "&:hover": { color: theme.palette.error.main, }, }, }); const CustomSearchRender = (props) => { const { classes, onSearch, searchText } = props; const handleTextChange = (event) => { onSearch(; }; return ( <Grow appear in={true} timeout={300}> <TextField placeholder="Search" size="medium" className={classes.searchText} value={searchText || ""} onChange={handleTextChange} fullWidth variant="outlined" InputProps={{ startAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position="start"> <SearchOutlined /> </InputAdornment> ), }} /> </Grow> ); }; export default withStyles(CustomSearchRender, defaultSearchStyles, { name: "CustomSearchRender", });
And put into options :
const options = {
selectableRows: "none",
filterType: "textField",
responsive: "simple",
confirmFilters: false,
jumpToPage: false,
download: false,
print: false,
enableNestedDataAccess: ".",
textLabels: {
body: {
noMatch: loading ? (
<TableSkeleton variant="h4" length={10} />
) : (
"Maaf, tidak ada data untuk ditampilkan"
searchOpen: true,
searchAlwaysOpen: true,
searchPlaceholder: "Search keyword",
customSearchRender: (searchText, handleSearch) => {
return (
<CustomSearchRender searchText={searchText} onSearch={handleSearch} />