I would like to do the following:
// function that depends on key to do stuff
template <int key>
void bar() {...}
template <int ...Keys>
void foo(int key) {
std::cin >> key;
such that it becomes
template <int ...Key>
void foo(int key) {
switch (key) {
case 1: bar<1>();break;
case 3: bar<3>();break;
case 5: bar<5>();break;
case 7: bar<7>();break;
case 9: bar<9>();break;
default: break;
How can I generate a switch statement that enumerates all variadic template arguments as an efficient switch statement without manually writing the switch statement?
Compilers can turn chained-ifs into switch statements in assembly.
A binary fold like this:
( [&key]{
if(key==Keys) {
return true;
return false;
}()||... );
does what you ask, down to the assembly:
Live example - change the #if clause between 0 and 1 to swap between hand-crafted and generated switch statements.