I'm making an application that uses TypeScript, and as a templating language I'm using Svelte.
That allows me to create DOM elements with classes that can change in realtime according to a variable, thanks to ternary operator. For instance:
<div class="{theme == "dark" ? "bg-black" : "bg-white"}"> Hello </div>
The thing is, my application has to dynamically generate some DOM elements. That makes me create some div
s using the following piece of script:
const parentDiv = document.getElementById("parentDiv");
const childDiv = document.createElement("div")
childDiv.classList.add(theme == "dark" ? "bg-black" : "bg-white")
In this case, the conditional operator is just calculated when .add()
is called, which happens once. There is no "realtime calculation" of the value like in the first method above. How do I handle this ?
If you are not creating the elements via plain Svelte markup you are probably doing something wrong. There are various directives that help, e.g. {#if}
and {#each}
In some cases it makes sense to imperatively add things, but even then, you should add components not plain DOM elements. You can instantiate any component using the client API, e.g.
new MyComponent({ target: document.body })
Anything inside the component then can use the Svelte mechanism that automatically update. If you need to have reactivity from the outside, you can pass a store as a property or import a global store from within/load it from a context.
(Would recommend making the theme a store. Either global or passed through props/contexts.)
Note on contexts with the client API: They have to be passed explicitly; to inherit existing contexts you can use getAllContexts
// somewhere at top-level
const context = getAllContexts();
// ...
new MyComponent({ ..., context })