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Spring cloud contract: tests based on contracts are not generated on producer side at all

Tests are not being generated based on contracts in java. I used gradle to configure spring-cloud-contract and used java for contracts. When I run ./gradlew clean build -x test, it throws illegal state exception because of absence of contract tests which I configured in build.gradle (throw new IllegalStateException("No tests were found. Failing the build")).


contracts {
      contractsDslDir = file("src/test/resources/contracts")
      testFramework = "JUNIT"
      packageWithBaseClasses = ''
      baseClassMappings {
      baseClassMapping(".rest.*", "")
   contractsDslDir = new File(project.rootDir, "src/test/java/contracts")

contractTest {
    testLogging {
       exceptionFormat = 'full'
    afterSuite { desc, result ->
       if (!desc.parent) {
           println "Results: (${result.testCount} tests, ${result.successfulTestCount} successes, ${result.failedTestCount} failures, ${result.skippedTestCount} skipped)"
           boolean skipTests = Boolean.parseBoolean(project.findProperty('SKIP_TESTS') ?: "false")
         if (result.testCount == 0 && !skipTests) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No tests were found. Failing the build")

publishing {
    publications {
        mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
           artifact bootJar

           artifact verifierStubsJar

           versionMapping {
               usage("java-api") {
               usage("java-runtime") {

contract in java:

public class shouldGet implements Supplier<Contract> {

   public Contract get() {
       return Contract.make(contract -> {
           contract.request(request -> {
               request.headers(headers -> headers.accept(ResourceType.MP3.getMimeType()));
           contract.response(response -> {
               response.headers(headers -> headers.contentType(ResourceType.MP3.getMimeType()));

base class for generated class by producer:

public abstract class RestBase {
ResourceController resourceController;

   public void setup() {
       resourceController = new ResourceController(new FakeResourceService());
       EncoderConfig encoderConfig = new EncoderConfig().appendDefaultContentCharsetToContentTypeIfUndefined(false);
       RestAssuredMockMvc.config = new RestAssuredMockMvcConfig().encoderConfig(encoderConfig);


   static class FakeResourceService implements ResourceService {

       public ResourceRecord save(MultipartFile file) {
           return null;

       public InputStreamResource getById(long id) {
           try {
               File file = ResourceUtils.getFile("classpath:files/mpthreetest.mp3");
               return new InputStreamResource(new FileInputStream(file));
           } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
               return null;

       public List<ResourceRecord> deleteByIds(long[] ids) {
           return null;

file structure: enter image description here

output of generated tests in build file:

public class RestTest extends RestBase {


there is no any test generated, but there should be corresponding test based on contract


  • I realized that the issue was related to the response body in the contract: response.body(response.fileAsBytes("resources/files/mpthreetest.mp3")); Apparently it could not read from the resources folder, after I move the file to the same package where the contract file located, then the issue was resolved successfully:

    enter image description here

    And, changed the response body to response.body(response.fileAsBytes("mpthreetest.mp3"));

    P.S: Using Supplier<Collection<Contract>> interface also might prevent the contract to get generated, I changed it to just Supplier<Contract>