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Using Key Bindings with Arrow Keys

I'm creating a game that uses the arrow keys to move a sprite. I've added key bindings for the arrow keys and the letter n, but arrow keys aren't working. Here's my code:

public class MyPanel extends JPanel {

    Sprite sprite = new Sprite();

    Timer gameClock = new Timer(DELAY, new ActionListener(){
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
            // omit other methods

    // omit other member variables

    public MyPanel(){
        Abstract Action newGameAction = new AbstractAction("new game") {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){


        addKeyBinding(new Pair<String, Action>("N", newGameAction));
        ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>> pairs = sprite.findKeyBindingPairs();
        for (Pair<String, Action> p : pairs)


        // omit other panel init


    private void addKeyBindings(Pair<String, Action> pair) {
        String key = pair.getFirstElement();
        Action action = pair.getSecondElement();
        String desc = action.getValue(AbstractAction.NAME).toString();
        getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key), desc);
        getActionMap().put(desc, action);

    // omit other methods

public class Sprite {

    private class ChangeDirAction extends AbstractAction {
        int dx, dy;

        ChangeDirAction(String name, int dx, int dy){
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
            setVelocity(dx, dy);

    private int dx_, dy_;
    Point pos;

    // omit other instance variables

    public void move(){
        // With printlns dx_ and dy_ are both 0 here. Why?
        Point newPos = new Point(pos);
        newPos.translate(dx_, dy_);

        // omit code to test whether newPos is valid

        if (isWall(newPos) || isOutsidePanel(newPos))
            setVelocity(0, 0);
            pos = newPos;

    private void setVelocity(int dx, int dy){
        dx_ = dx;
        dy_ = dy;
        // With printlns dx_ and dy_ change when arrow keys are pressed

    public ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>> findKeyBindingPairs(){
        Pair<String, Action> leftPair = new Pair<String, Action>("LEFT", new ChangeDirAction("left", -1, 0));
        Pair<String, Action> rightPair = new Pair<String, Action>("RIGHT", new ChangeDirAction("right", 1, 0));
        Pair<String, Action> upPair = new Pair<String, Action>("UP", new ChangeDirAction("up", 0, -1));
        Pair<String, Action> downPair = new Pair<String, Action>("DOWN", new ChangeDirAction("down", 0, 1));
        ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>>();
        return result;

    // omit other methods



  • I figured it out while trying to do an SSCCE. When I start a new game, I create a new Sprite object without the key bindings of the old one, so my key binding data is lost. I moved my code to add key bindings to the doNewGame() method and it works now.