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How to overcome WARNING: Resulting JSON is truncated as serialization has exceeded the set depth of 2?

I have provided my code and JSON format below. I'm using Powershell runbook to retrieve the values from this json. But I am facing error. How can I fix it?


{"hunting": [
    "displayName":"New Changes made to AWS IAM policy", 
    "query":"SecurityEvent | where EventID == \"4687\" | where CommandLine contains \"-noni -ep bypass $\"",
    "displayName":"New Consent to Application discovery",
    "query":"SecurityEvent | where EventID == \"4688\" | where CommandLine contains \"-noni -ep bypass $\"",

My code:

Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Destination $outPath -Container $containerName -Blob $huntingQueryFileName  -Context $storageContext -Force

$newHuntingRules = Get-Content -Path "$outPath\$huntingQueryFileName" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json  

Facing the below error:

WARNING: Resulting JSON is truncated as serialization has exceeded the set depth of 2


  • I executed below script in my environment and was able to successfully retrieve the expected content (from json format).

    $path = "C:\temp"
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName "jahnavistorage" -StorageAccountKey "<storageaccountkey>=="
    Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Container "<containerName>" -Blob "myjson.json" -Destination $path -context $context
    Get-ChildItem -path $path
    Get-Content -Raw $path\myjson.json | ConvertFrom-Json


    enter image description here

    enter image description here