I use material-table for my data tables.
how can I Customize all part of " material-table lookup" component ?(Access to each Elements of that to add extra logics and styles)
const columns = [
title: "Is_Active",
field: "is_active",
cellStyle: { textAlign: "center", padding: "0px", width: "7%" },
render: (rowData) => {
return rowData.is_active ? (
<CheckCircleOutlineIcon style={{ fill: "green" }} />
) : (
<HighlightOffIcon style={{ fill: "red" }} />
lookup: {
1: "yes",
0: "no",
type: "enum",
and then :
// other props...
Thanks for Your Help✌
I've Found My Question's Answer !
You can use filterComponent in your column identifier object for override filter component (in this case I've use Select Component 🤪) , like this :
title: 'Is Active',
field: 'isActive',
cellStyle: {
borderColor: '#d4d4d4',
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderRightStyle: 'solid',
borderLeftStyle: 'solid',
borderWidth: '1px',
fontSize: '12px',
textAlign: 'center',
padding: '0px',
width: '10%'
render: (rowData) => {
return rowData.isActive ? <CheckCircleOutlineIcon style={doneIconStyle}/> :
<HighlightOffIcon style={dontIconStyle}/>;
filterComponent: ({ columnDef, onFilterChanged }) => (
onChange={(e) => {
// Calling the onFilterChanged with the current tableId and the new value
onFilterChanged(columnDef.tableData.id, e.target.value);
<MenuItem selected={true} key={2} value={2}>All</MenuItem>
<MenuItem key={1} value={1}>yes</MenuItem>
<MenuItem key={0} value={0}>no</MenuItem>
lookup: {
2: 'all',
1: 'yes',
0: 'no'
type: 'enum'
I hope my answer helped you to solve this problem 👍