When I run jobs on snakemake using --profile ./slurm
, I see in standard output:
Submitted job 406 with external jobid '1956125'
in slurm/config.yaml
I have:
cores: "all"
cluster: "sbatch --partition=mypartition -A myaccount -t {resources.time_min} --mem={resources.mem_mb} -c {resources.cpus} -o slurm/logs/{jobid}.out -e slurm/logs/{jobid}.err --mail-type=FAIL --mail-user=mymail.edu --parsable"
default-resources: [cpus=1, mem_mb=2000, time_min=10080, parition=mypartition]
use-conda: true
This writes log files like 406.err
and what I want is 1956125.err
How do I do this?
is the internal jobid
from snakemake. You want the external jobid
from slurm.
IIRC that should be possible by using %j
instead of {jobid}
cluster: "sbatch --partition=mypartition -A myaccount -t {resources.time_min} --mem={resources.mem_mb} -c {resources.cpus} -o slurm/logs/%j.out -e slurm/logs/%j.err --mail-type=FAIL --mail-user=mymail.edu --parsable"
Let us know if it works.