Search code examples

KQL :: return only tags with more than 4 records

I have created a Kusto query that allows me to return all our database park. The query only takes 10 lines of code:

| join kind=inner (
    | where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
    | project subscriptionId, subscriptionName = name)
    on subscriptionId
| where subscriptionName in~ ('Subscription1','Subscription2')
| where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases'
| where name != 'master'
| project  subscriptionName, resourceGroup, name, type, location,sku.tier, properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName, tags.customerCode

By contract we are supposed to give only 4 Azure SQL Database per customer but sometimes developers take a copy of them and they rename it _old or _backup and suddenly a customer can have 5 or 6 databases.

This increase the overall costs of the Cloud and I would like to have a list of all customers that have more than 4 databases.

In order to do so I can use the tag tags.customerCode which has the 3 letters identifier for each customer.

The code should work like this: if a customer is called ABC and there are 4 Azure SQL Databases with tags.customerCode ABC the query should return nothing. If there are 5 or 6 databases with tags.customerCode ABC the query should return all of them.

Not sure if Kusto can be that flexible.


  • Here is a possible solution.
    It should be noted that Azure resource graph supports only a limited subset of KQL.

    | where     type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
            //and name in~ ('Subscription1','Subscription2')
    | project subscriptionId, subscriptionName = name
    | join kind=inner  
        | where     type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases'
                and name != 'master'
      on  subscriptionId            
    | project   subscriptionId, subscriptionName, resourceGroup, name, type, location
               ,tier                            = sku.tier
               ,requestedServiceObjectiveName   = properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName
               ,customerCode                    = tostring(tags.customerCode)    
    | summarize dbs = count(), details = make_list(pack_all()) by customerCode
    | where dbs > 4
    | mv-expand with_itemindex=db_seq ['details']
    | project   customerCode
               ,db_seq = db_seq + 1
               ,subscriptionId                  = details.subscriptionId
               ,subscriptionName                = details.subscriptionName
               ,resourceGroup                   = details.resourceGroup
               ,name                            =
               ,type                            = details.type
               ,location                        = details.location
               ,tier                            = details.tier
               ,requestedServiceObjectiveName   = details.requestedServiceObjectiveName