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Blank File generating, while Converting EPMA generated “.ADS” files for their Planning, HFM, HPCM and Essbase outlines to a DRM import format

Blank File generating, while Converting EPMA generated “.ADS” files for their Planning, HFM, HPCM and Essbase outlines to a DRM import format. And .ads file contain some Arabic word's

To run the converter, follow the ReadMe document and the step-by-step actions also captured.
Step -1: Navigate to the <Patch_Extract>\src folder in Command Prompt
Step -2: Set the JRE path variable
Step -3: Run the Java Compiler by executing the below command for the Main class –
Step -4: Execute the Java Program using the below command:
Java ADS_DRM<Space>“ADS File name”<Space>”Target.txt”

File getting generated with 0 Byte/Blank file

Please suggest how to fix this issue


  • There is several way to convert .ads files for their Planning, HFM, HPCM and Essbase outlines to a DRM import format

    A) By changing system/Server setting as give below (Require Administrative Privilege's on System/Server)

    1. Control Panel
    2. Clock and Region
    3. Region

    and in Region Tab Select Administrative

    -> Change system Locale and select Region specific language for example i have selected Saudi Arabia

    How to change system setting

    And then use below steps

    Step -1: Navigate to the <Patch_Extract>\src folder in Command Prompt
    Step -2: Set the JRE path variable
    Step -3: Run the Java Compiler by executing the below command for the Main class –
    Step -4: Execute the Java Program using the below command:
    Java ADS_DRM<Space>“ADS File name”<Space>”Target.txt”