I created a simple test page for a timer that counts down from 10 to 0. There should be a bar as well as text showing the progress. So I created this page:
function ProgressCountdown(timeleft, bar, text) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var countdownTimer = setInterval(() => {
document.getElementById(bar).value = timeleft;
document.getElementById(text).textContent = timeleft;
if (timeleft <= 0) {
}, 1000);
<progress value="10" max="10" id=pageBeginCountdown"></progress>
<p> Beginning in <span id=pageBeginCountdownText">10 </span> seconds</p>
It is not working, both bar and text do not budge. Where did I go wrong? The page is at https://geheimbund.ddnss.de/test.html - I have been debugging this for hours, but I just cannot get it to work. Would be super-thankful for any help.
I tried everything I could think of. I expect this to work, i.e. the bar and the text should count down to 0.
Based on the posted code alone, you would need an event that runs your function. Also, as pointed out, the functions' variables aren't defined.
window.addEventListener('load', () => {