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Why does Parse work and Convert doesn't in C#?

I want to square every digit in str and concatenate it to pow.

I have this simple code:

string str = "1234";
string pow = "";

foreach(char c in str)
   pow += Math.Pow(Convert.ToInt32(c), 2);

It should return 14916 - instead it returns: 2401250026012704

But if I use int.Parse(c), it returns the correct number.

foreach(char c in str)
    int i = int.Parse(c.ToString());
    pow += Math.Pow(i, 2);

Why does Parse work and Convert doesn't?


  • From the documentation of Convert.ToInt32(char):

    The ToInt32(Char) method returns a 32-bit signed integer that represents the UTF-16 encoded code unit of the value argument.

    Therefore, for example, the char '1' will be converted to the integer value 49, as defined in the UTF-16 encoding:

    An alternative approach to the int.Parse(c.ToString()) example, would be Char.GetNumericValue:

    foreach(char c in str)
       pow += Math.Pow(char.GetNumericValue(c), 2);

    This converts the char to the numeric equivalent of that value.