I am receiving messages in protobuf format. I need to convert it to json format fast as all my business logic is written to handle json based POJO objects.
byte[] request = ..; // msg received
// convert to intermediate POJO
AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest bidRequestProto = AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest.parseFrom(request, reg);
// convert intermediate POJO to json string.
Printer printer = JsonFormat.printer().printingEnumsAsInts().omittingInsignificantWhitespace();
String jsonBody = printer.print(bidRequestProto);
// convert json string to final POJO format
BidRequest bidRequest = super.parse(jsonBody.getBytes());
Proto object to json conversion step is very slow. Is there any faster approach for it?
can i reuse printer
object? is it thread-safe?
Note: This POJO class (AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest
& BidRequest
) is very complex having many hierarchy and fields but contains similar data with slightly different fields name and data types.
I end up using MapStruct
as suggested by some of you (@M.Deinum).
new code:
byte[] request = ..; // msg received
// convert to intermediate POJO
AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest bidRequestProto = AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest.parseFrom(request, reg);
// direct conversion from protobuf Pojo to my custom Pojo
BidRequest bidRequest = BidRequestMapper.INSTANCE.adxOpenRtbToBidRequest(bidRequestProto);
Code snippet of BidRequestMapper
collectionMappingStrategy = CollectionMappingStrategy.ADDER_PREFERRED, nullValueCheckStrategy = NullValueCheckStrategy.ALWAYS,
unmappedSourcePolicy = ReportingPolicy.WARN, unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.WARN)
public abstract class BidRequestMapper {
public static final BidRequestMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(BidRequestMapper.class);
@Mapping(source = "impList", target = "imp")
@Mapping(target = "impOverride", ignore = true)
@Mapping(target = "ext", ignore = true)
public abstract BidRequest adxOpenRtbToBidRequest(AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest adxOpenRtb);
// manage proto extensions
abstract class BidRequestMapperDecorator extends BidRequestMapper {
private final BidRequestMapper delegate;
BidRequestMapperDecorator(BidRequestMapper delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public BidRequest adxOpenRtbToBidRequest(AdxOpenRtb.BidRequest bidRequestProto) {
// Covert protobuf msg to basic bid request object
BidRequest bidRequest = delegate.adxOpenRtbToBidRequest(bidRequestProto);
The new approach is 20-50x faster in my local test environment.
It's worth mentioning that MapStruct
is an annotation processor which makes it much faster than other similar libraries which use reflection and it also has very good support for customization.