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How to read json

I have following JSON object.

      {"adopted_from":null,"user_id":null,"description":"this is test","id":2}
     {"adopted_from":null,"user_id":null,"description":"like unlike done","id":1}

I want to retrieve the id of news. I tried in many different ways (e.g. feed[0],, feed[[0]]) but could not access the value. Can anyone help me how can I access it using JavaScript?


  • I copied and pasted your JSON from above and tried the following and it works just fine:

        var data = {"feed":[{"news":{"adopted_from":null,"user_id":null,"description":"this is test","id":2}},{"news":{"adopted_from":null,"user_id":null,"description":"like unlike done","id":1}}]};
        // alert the first news id

    It gets the id from the first news object from the array as intended.