I have this rule
allow read: if request.auth.uid == resource.data.author
and it doesn't allow me to get multiple documents with getDocs.
But it allows to get a document with getDoc.
PS: I used this to retrieve the documents
const col = collection(db, collectionPath)
const documents = await getDocs(col)
and got this error
FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions.
but this worked
const col = collection(db, collectionPath)
const document = await getDoc(doc(col,documentID))
You're confusing security rules with filters. The security rule in your question will only let through queries where all documents satisfy the rule, so if you try to get the entire collection using getDocs(collection)
, it won't return anything.
Instead, try querying your database using your Author field, like the method in this answer, which uses whereEqualTo()
to filter results by field:
const col = firestore.collection(db, collectionPath).whereEqualTo("author", author)
const documents = await getDocs(col)