Javascript novice and am stuck trying to convert a staticresource record body to a parseable string, and hoping someone might know how to proceed?
I have retrieved the static resource successfully using jsforce library. The resource is a csv file, and the body attribute of the result returned presents as a url ie. Body : "/services/data/v56.0/sobjects/StaticResource/resourceId/Body"
I tried to prepend the domain and url together and do this, but nothing errors, no console output; maybe the wrong approach?
// res.records[0].Body definitely returns the url for the body
// I have put 'domain' in place of my actual salesforce domain :)
const url = '' + res.records[0].Body;
.then(res => {console.log(res); });
Beyond this point I'm stuck - I've not been able to figure out how to get any further. Any suggestions on how to get from this url to actually having a usable result would be really appreciated!
You'll need to set a HTTP header Authorisation
with value Bearer {session id sometimes referred to as access token}
. You'll get back the raw payload.
It looks like you got a REST API result (SOAP API would return the base64-encoded thing as is, not a link to actual content) so hopefully you're already aware of that setting the header and have a valid session id?
See also my other answer,
I don't think you should be using "lightning" url. Use what came back from login request / what you see on login page. Exact url will vary depending on production/sandbox and whether your admin started testing "enhanced domains" SF update. You'll get raw binary, not base64
Do this HTTP request in programming language of your choice
"raw HTTP"
GET /services/data/v56.0/sobjects/StaticResource/0815r000000GmvmAAC/Body HTTP/1.1
Host: (redacted)
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 00D(redacted)
curl --location --request GET 'https://(redacted)' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 00D(redacted)'
Here's my Postman, request was sent to a sandbox: