I have a svelte app where
Testing shows that clicking Show also triggers the on:click of Save. Google tells me to add stopPropagation to fix this issue, but it does not fix this issue. Any hints on what is my mistake?
A repl with my code is available at https://svelte.dev/repl/592a544ac59a45b385ab153dec7a42f1?version=3.55.1
I forked the repl and made some changes to it https://svelte.dev/repl/b897aa42e87d4adc8c04b381b5a66692?version=3.55.1
Here is the new code:
var name = ''
let names=[];
let show=false;
function addName(){
if (name.length > 0){
<button on:click={()=>(show=true)} > Show
{#if show}
<input bind:value={name} type="text">
<button on:click={()=> {addName()}}>Save</button>
<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
You shouldn't have a propogation issue because the event listeners are not nested elements https://www.tutorialrepublic.com/javascript-tutorial/javascript-event-propagation.php
Your Save button on:click was setup like
<button on:click={addName()}>Save</button>
This definition is not correct because on:click={addName()} calls the addName function immediately. If you use this syntax you likely need to write it like this
Otherwise you can write it like your other on:click with an anonymous function (which is what I did).
on:click={()=> {addName()}}