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Angular14 configurations.production.fileReplacements with module.ts problem

I need to have different module for dev mode and prod mode so I think to use the angular.json option of fileReplacements creating a test.module.ts and
Then I add the following to the angular.json configuration:

    "replace": "src/app/test/test.module.ts",
    "with": "src/app/test/"

But in this way I have the error the Component 'Test1Component' is declared by more than one NgModule. and this for all component declared in TestModule.

There is a workaround for this issue?


  • You can wrap all the components that are common for both modules into a third module and export them. Then import this module into your test modules. Something like this

        declarations: [Test1Component],
        exports: [Test1Component],
    export class TestCommonModule {}
    // your test.module.ts
        imports: [TestCommonModule]
    export class TestModule {}
    // your
        imports: [TestCommonModule]
    export class TestProdModule {}

    Or you can just keep one module and configure it based on imported environment.ts and put this file into the file replacements. This would be even better. Look at this: