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calculating an equation given a certain input from a user with JavaScript

JavaScript newbie here. I am tasked with calculating a user's monthly payment by using a given equation. I am having trouble with getting the values from the user.

const loanAmount = document.getElementById('loan-amount');
const loanYears = document.getElementById('loan-years');
const loanRate = document.getElementById('loan-Rate');
const span = document.querySelector('span');
const form = document.getElementById("calc-form");

form.addEventListener("submit", function (e) {


  function makeLogo(loanAmount, loanYears, loanRate) {
    const principle = loanAmount.value 
    const n = loanYears.value * 12;
    const i = loanRate.value / 12;

const monthylPayment = (principle* i)/1-(1+ i)** -(n);

span.innerText = monthylPayment;

This is what I have so far and am getting an error for the variables in the makeLogo function.


  • It's a good idea to separate your inputs, calculations and rendering into separate functions. try to keep functions as simple as possible. You will need to re-evaluate your monthly cost calculator, but here is a working example which takes input, calculates and then renders into form fields.

    document.getElementById("calc-form").addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
        var loanAmount = document.getElementById('loan-amount').value;
        var loanYears = document.getElementById('loan-years').value;
        var loanRate = document.getElementById('loan-rate').value;
        var monthlyPayment = makeLogo( loanAmount, loanYears, loanRate );    
        // the monthly has now been calculated, simply put it where you'd like
        var calculated = document.getElementById('calculated');    
        calculated.value = monthlyPayment;
        var totalRepayment = document.getElementById('totalRepayment');    
        totalRepayment.value = monthlyPayment * ( loanYears * 12 );
    } );
    function makeLogo( principle, loanYears, loanRate) {
      var n = loanYears * 12;
      var i = loanRate / 12;
      var result = ( principle * i) / 1 - ( 1 + i )**-( n );
      return result;
    <form action='submit' id ='calc-form'>
    Loan Amount:<input id ='loan-amount'></input><BR/>
    Loan Years:<input id='loan-years'></input><BR/>
    Loan Rate:<input id='loan-rate'></input><BR/>
    <input type='submit'>
    <span id='span-output'>
    Monthly Payment :<input id='calculated' readonly><BR/>
    Total Re-Payment :<input id='totalRepayment' readonly>