Hello Dev Community i am here with another issue can need your help.
i want to disable input field based on the Boolean state if the state is true then the input filed should be disable else it can be editable.
i have state variable isTrue which can be eithe true or false and here is the code
export function InputFiled(props) {
return (
className="py-2 pl-3 rounded-[14px] border-[1.3px] border-red-500"
onChange={(e) => props.setData(e.target.value)}
{...(!props.isTrue && "disabled")}
// here (below) it works fine but it is permanently disabled option
// disabled
The solution of this which i got form the attached (Conditional disabling of button) question is:
export function InputFiled(props) {
return (
className="py-2 pl-3 rounded-[14px] border-[1.3px] border-red-500"
onChange={(e) => props.setData(e.target.value)}
disabled={props.isTrue? true : false}
You may need to set additional tailwind
css classes based on this state or prop
which you want to baseline.
const [isDisabled, setDisabled] = useState(false);
//inside render
<input type='button'
onClick={(e)=> setDisabled(!isDisabled)}