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How to make sure subcharts charts are installed before the actual resources

I am trying to create a helm based operator and for most part, I've got it working. However I need to make sure that the subcharts are installed before the operator is trying to create resources from those subcharts. For e.g I have mongodb community-operator helm chart as a subchart. However, when I deploy the operator i get the below error

failed to install release: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: resource mapping not found for name: "test-mongodb" namespace: "default" from "": no matches for kind "MongoDBCommunity" in version "" ensure CRDs are installed first.

Looks like its trying to create the mongodb instance before actually installing the operator and crds. How can I force it to first install the subcharts and then try to create mongodb instance.


  • inside the chart.yaml you can use the condition & tag

    - name: subchart
      version: 0.0.1
      condition: subchart.enabled

    so if the chart name as subchart is not installed already in cluster it will throw the error.

    Official doc :

    if you have multiple sub charts as dependencies you can also go with the tags