I want to split one row of data into multiple ones, like this example below :
I have a row with 12 values. I want to fill my table like you can see : 3 by row and so on.
I tried to put into cell A2 : =B7, and then drag it to the right. It works. But I obviously cannot drag it vertically after that. So my problem is to cut this line into multiple ones, or to know how I can drag a value/function horizontally AND vertically.
My researchs leads me to Kutools, but I cannot afford it and I'm convinced that it could be done without it, even without VBA I think.
• Formula used in cell A2
Using INDEX()
• Formula used in cell E2
=IFERROR(IF(COLUMN(A1)>3, "", INDEX($B$7:$M$7, , COLUMN(A1)+(ROW(A1)-1)*3)), "")