Previously im using PerfCounter to inspect the heap but seems they are no longer usable after moved to .NET5+.
Now, Im trying to use the GetGCMemoryInfo API, with below code:
var info = GC.GetGCMemoryInfo();
var index = info.Index;
var genInfos = info.GenerationInfo;
var genInfo = genInfos[0]; // and 1, 2, 3 (Loh)
var delta = genInfo.sizeAfterGc - genInfo.sizeBeforeGc;
// Write Log: sizeAfterGc (delta) (#index)
My app, in task manager, used to report ~1.5G memory usage. But sizeAfterGc give me some very big number, which I believe is wrong.
Some sample output from my app:
Gen 0 Heap Size: 4950350920 (-2591581216) (#870)
Gen 1 Heap Size: 3273780000 (+4675848) (#870)
Gen 2 Heap Size: 503084649368 (+833581192) (#870)
which says 5GB Gen0, 3GB Gen1 and 500GB Gen2.
Now if I put my app running long enough, I can see the number of all generations keep increasing.
For example,
Around Start of App:
Gen 0 Heap Size: 63270464 (-574326464) (#96)
~20-mins later:
Gen 0 Heap Size: 12494958280 (-2876572192) (#1787)
~2-hrs later:
Gen 0 Heap Size: 108851806072 (-6817850448) (#13303)
Except from maoni's blog post, I couldn't find much info on how this api should be used/coordinated.
Im not quite sure if GC.GetGCMemoryInfo();
should be called like this?
I guess this reported the latest GC (as any kind), and the GenerationInfo attached to this run of GC should still be relevant to inspect for all heaps at a given time?
ie. if this gives GCMemoryInfo #870, then I should expect the GenerationInfo represents the heap status after #870 is performed?
Would like to seek help from anyone who might have experience this, big thanks!
(Im testing this on .NET6)
There was a bug in this API that has been fixed in PR fix for generation info in GCMemoryInfo by Maoni0 · Pull Request #60309 · dotnet/runtime - generation info was not zeroed after the GC, so it was always increasing.
It was discovered at the time of .NET 6 release but as we can see in the PR, it will be backported to .NET 6 soon.
To track generation sizes and other GC-related metrics you can use EventCounters
instead, in-proc or out-proc.