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What is the best way to upload a directory to Google drive in R

The googledrive package has the drive_upload function to upload a file to Google drive, but how does one go about uploading an entire directory tree?


  • Following @DalmTo 's suggestion, I wrote a method to recursively upload a directory to Google drive:

    #' Recursively upload a directory to google drive.
    #' @param dir Path to the local directory to upload.
    #' @param path Specifies the target destination for the new directory on Google
    #'   Drive. Defaults to "My Drive" root folder.
    #' @param name New directory name. Defaults to `basename(dir)`.
    drive_upload_dir <-
        path = NULL,
        name = NULL) {
        if (is.null(name))
          name <- basename(dir)
        assertthat::assert_that(!$isdir),$isdir, msg = "dir must be a directory")
        sub_path <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(name, path)
        for (p in list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE)) {
          if ($isdir) {
            drive_upload_dir(p, path = sub_path)
          } else {
            googledrive::drive_upload(p, path = sub_path)

    Note that for directory trees with a large number of files it can be very slow. For my uses, it was more expedient to make a tar archive of the directory and drive_upload the whole archive.