I need to add cy.wait() for some network call which has parameters having forward slashes in it.
eg: http://example.com/myPage1?id=598dccc6&startDate=10/01/2023&endDate=11/01/2023
For this, I've added the following intercept,
However, cy.wait('@myPage1').its('response.statusCode').should('eq',200);
is timing out and the test case fails.
It's possible to catch it with a regex expression for the URL.
You don't need to specify the base part http://example.com
Chars /
and ?
are operators in regex, so preceed them with \
to indicate the literal character.
cy.intercept({pathname: '**/myPage1'}, {}).as('myPage1')
Tested with baseUrl:
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
baseUrl: ''
and the app fetching