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convert String to json object with wrong string

I have String like

"[{'techid':'0128','daPoints':3,'speedingPoints':3,'fleetInspectionPoints':3,'lofPoints':3,'missedTrgModules':null,'fullName':'MANPREET SINGH','safetyInspectPoints':3,'missedTrgPoints':3,'speeding_qty':null,'safetyTotalPoints':21,'atFaultPoints':3,'atFaultAccident':null,'region':'PYEM','supervisor':'AGHATOR OSA','driverAlert':null,'status':'A'}]"

need to convert into Json format trying something like this

const text = "[{'techid':'0128','daPoints':3,'speedingPoints':3,'fleetInspectionPoints':3,'lofPoints':3,'missedTrgModules':null,'fullName':'MANPREET SINGH','safetyInspectPoints':3,'missedTrgPoints':3,'speeding_qty':null,'safetyTotalPoints':21,'atFaultPoints':3,'atFaultAccident':null,'region':'PYEM','supervisor':'AGHATOR OSA','driverAlert':null,'status':'A'}]";
const myArr = JSON.parse(text);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = myArr[0];

But getting error :-

Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected property name or '}' in JSON at position 2


  • Simple Solution:

    Convert all of the single-quoted strings and properties (that are invalid JSON in the specification) to valid JSON with double-quotes using a Regular Expression (RegExp):

    const unformattedText = "[{'techid':'0128','daPoints':3,'speedingPoints':3,'fleetInspectionPoints':3,'lofPoints':3,'missedTrgModules':null,'fullName':'MANPREET SINGH','safetyInspectPoints':3,'missedTrgPoints':3,'speeding_qty':null,'safetyTotalPoints':21,'atFaultPoints':3,'atFaultAccident':null,'region':'PYEM','supervisor':'AGHATOR OSA','driverAlert':null,'status':'A'}]"
    // convert with a regex
    const formattedText = unformattedText.replace(/'/g, "\"")
    // convert to object
    const object = JSON.parse(formattedText)

    NOTE: As @Igor pointed out, this will only work for JSON strings that don't include properties or strings with single-quotes ', (like the OP's).


    My String.prototype.replace() solution behavior:

    Cannot recover any field or string with a single-quote ' in it,


         [{'name':'Bob O'Rielly','height':'13',5"'}]


         [{"name":"Bob O"Rielly","height":"13",5""}]

    which is incorrect and invalid JSON!

    Over-Engineered Solution: Literally an entire parser...

    It should be well commented enough to be able to use and modify to anyone's needs. GitHub repo (Permalink)

    WARNING: In brute-force mode can be O(2^n)! Which is very inefficient.

    The presence of incorrect string delimiters causes ambiguity during parsing. And useful solutions are very computationally expensive.

     * @typedef  {function(StringPosition): boolean} BruteForce
     *                         A function that takes information about the current
     *                         position of the single-quote in the misformatted
     *                         string the parser found.
     *                         And returns a boolean whether the parser will use
     *                         brute-force parsing, with time-complexity `O(2^n)`.
     * @typedef  {function(StringPosition): Guess} Heuristic
     *                         A function that takes a reference the parser state
     *                         information, and modifies the parser guess state
     *                         using the given reference.
     *                         This allows for much more complex logic.
     *                         Example:
     *                         Situations where the single-quote (`'`) needs to be
     *                         replaced by an escaped double-quote (`\\"`).
     * @typedef  {("array"|"field"|"object-value"|"value")} JSONType
     *                         A string union type JSON types for arrays, object
     *                         fields, object values, and values.
     * @typedef  {("\""|"\'")} Quote
     *                         One single-quote (`'`) or double-quote (`""`)
     *                         string character.
     * @typedef  {("\\\""|"\\'")} EscapedQuote
     *                         One single-quote (`\\'`) or double-quote (`\\"`)
     *                         string character, preceded by a reverse solidus
     *                         (`\`), to escape it from the usual JSON
     *                         interpretation.
     * @typedef  {Object}      StringPosition
     *                         An object containing information on where in a
     *                         string a single-quote character was found by the
     *                         parser.
     * @property {Number}      StringPosition.stringIndex The index of the
     *                         single-quote in the misformatted string the parser
     *                         is currently trying to correct.
     * @property {Number}      StringPosition.characterIndex The UTF-32 character
     *                         pseudo-index `index - (UFT-16 surrogate pairs /2)`
     *                         of the single-quote in the misformatted string the
     *                         parser is currently trying to correct.
     * @property {String}      StringPosition.followingString The JSON substring
     *                         after the single-quote.
     * @property {String}      StringPosition.precedingString The JSON substring
     *                         before the single-quote.
     * @property {Guess}       StringPosition.currentGuess An object containing
     *                         information about a parser attempt to reformat a
     *                         JSON string. It contains a reformatted substring
     *                         the parser generated, and whether the internal
     *                         heuristics consider the substring to end in any
     *                         incompleted JSON type.
     * @typedef  {Object}      Guess
     *                         An object containing information about a parser
     *                         attempt to reformat a JSON string. It contains a
     *                         reformatted substring the parser generated, and
     *                         whether the internal heuristics should consider the
     *                         substring to end in an incompleted JSON string.
     * @property {String}      Guess.string The parser guess of how to reformat
     *                         JSON string. It is set to the previously parsed
     *                         guess, with future parser guesses appended to it.
     * @property {Boolean}     Guess.isString The internal flag for `preParse`
     *                         that determines whether the algorithm interprets
     *                         current parsing as parsing the middle of a JSON
     *                         string value.
     * @property {Boolean}     Guess.isEscaped The internal flag for `preParse`
     *                         that determines whether the algorithm interprets
     *                         current parsing as parsing a character escape
     *                         sequence in the middle of a JSON string value. It is
     *                         a number to accommodate unicode escape sequences.
     *                         Only works for:  `\'`. not: `\"`, `\\`, `\/`, `\n`,
     *                         `\r`, `\b`, `\f`, `\t` or `\uXXXX`.
     * @property {Boolean}     Guess.isObjectField The internal flag for
     *                         `preParse` that determines whether the algorithm
     *                         interprets the current parsing state as parsing
     *                         the middle of a JSON object value.
     * @property {Boolean}     Guess.isObjectValue The internal flag for
     *                         `preParse` that determines whether the algorithm
     *                         interprets the current parsing state as parsing
     *                         the middle of a JSON object field.
     * @property {Number}      Guess.isObject The internal flag for `preParse`
     *                         that determines whether the algorithm interprets
     *                         the current parsing state as parsing the middle of
     *                         a JSON object. It is a number to track how many
     *                         objects the single-quote is nested within.
     * @property {Number}      Guess.isArray The internal flag for `preParse` that
     *                         determines whether the algorithm interprets the
     *                         current parsing state as parsing the middle of a
     *                         JSON array value. It is a number to track how many
     *                         arrays the single-quote is nested within.
     * @property {Number}      Guess.aufoFilled The internal flag for `preParse`
     *                         that determines whether the algorithm already
     *                         reformatted this string index with a previous RegEx
     *                         heuristic solution. Is a string for how many future
     *                         indexes were prefilled. Default: `0`.
     * @property {JSONType}    [Guess.isJSONType] The internal flag for `preParse`
     *                         that determines whether the algorithm interprets
     *                         the current parsing state as parsing the middle of
     *                         specific JSON type. It is a string union type for
     *                         arrays, object fields, object values, and values.
     *                         Used to keep track of the JSON type being parsed,
     *                         without including type nesting depth information.
     * @description            Reformats a misformatted JSON string to valid JSON.
     *                         **NOTE:** This function assumes that all
     *                         double-quotes are escaped correctly, like: `\"`.
     *                         If there are improperly escaped double-quotes, this
     *                         function will not be able to reformat the
     *                         misformatted JSON properly, unless custom logic in
     *                         an `opts.heuristic` function is used.
     *                         **NOTE:** this is _**NOT**_ designed for
     *                         performance or large JSON strings. This can have
     *                         `O(2^n)` time-complexity!
     * @param    {String}      misformattedJSON The string that is invalidly
     *                         formatted for JSON by using single-quotes (`'`)
     *                         instead of double-qutoes (`"`) to delimit string
     *                         values and object fields.
     * @param    {Heuristic}   [heuristic] A function that takes a reference the
     *                         parser state information, and modifies the parser
     *                         guess state using the given reference. This allows
     *                         for much more complex logic.
     *                         Example:
     *                         Situations where the single-quote (`'`) needs to be
     *                         replaced by an escaped double-quote (`\\"`).
     * @param    {BruteForce}  [bruteForce] A function that takes information
     *                         about the current position of the single-quote in
     *                         the misformatted string the parser found. And
     *                         returns a boolean whether the parser will use
     *                         brute-force parsing, with time-complexity `O(2^n)`.
     * @param    {Boolean}     [TRY_HARD] A flag to brute-force with default,
     *                         heuristics, with time-complexity at around:
     *                         `O(2^n)`. Can be better than a `bruteForce`, but
     *                         still not reccommended, use `heuristic` if possible.
     * @returns  {String[]}    The reformatted string, or array of reformatted
     *                         strings, if there was no error in parsing.
    function preParse(misformattedJSON, bruteForce, heuristic, TRY_HARD) {
      if (TRY_HARD)
         * @type   {Guess[]}     Array to store all of the parser's possible
         *                       solutions. Holds strings of the parser guesses.
         *                       Used when strings are ambiguous because of
         *                       incorrect formatting, and brute-forcing. Is
         *                       appended to by recursive calls to `preParse`.
        let guesses = [
                string: "",
                isString: false,
                isEscaped: false,
                isArray: 0,
                isObject: 0,
                isObjectField: false,
                isObjectValue: false,
                isJSONType: undefined,
                aufoFilled: 0
         * @type   {String[]}    Fixed-width array to index each UTF-32 character.
         *                       JavaScript strings are indexed by UTF-16 code units,
         *                       which are 2 bytes (16 bits) in length, a single
         *                       UTF-32 character is 4 bytes (32 bits), the same as
         *                       a complete UTF-16 surrogate pair, (which is two
         *                       UTF-16 code units).
        let fixedWidthCharacterArray = []
        // iteration over each UTF-32 code point to add to UTF-32 array
        for (const UTF16CodePoint of misformattedJSON)
        // loop over UTF-32 characters
        for (
            let characterIndex = 0, stringIndex = 0;
            characterIndex < fixedWidthCharacterArray.length;
            stringIndex += fixedWidthCharacterArray[characterIndex].length,
        ) {
             * @type {String}      Current UTF-32 code point in character array.
            const character = fixedWidthCharacterArray[characterIndex]
            // loop over all guesses, and evaluate thier likelihood,
            // reversing over array to add or remove guesses
            // without changing the portion of the array being looped over
            for (let guessIndex = guesses.length - 1; guessIndex >= 0; guessIndex--) {
                 * @type {Guess}     Parsers's guess of how to reformat JSON string. It
                 *                   is set to the previous parser guess, with future
                 *                   parser guesses appended to it. It also includes
                 *                   state information used for the default heuristics.
                const currentGuess = guesses[guessIndex]
                // check guess auto-fill
                if (currentGuess.aufoFilled) {
                    // decrement number of pre-parsed characters,
                    // since one was just manually parsed
                    // guess already parsed this part of the string using a RegExp,
                    // loop to next guess
                const {
                } = currentGuess
                 * @type {String}    The substring _after_ the single-quote.
                const followingString = misformattedJSON.slice(stringIndex + 1)
                 * @type {String}    The substring _before_ the single-quote.
                const precedingString = misformattedJSON.slice(0, stringIndex)
                // change parser state for delimiters
                if (character !== "'") {
                    // keep character
                    currentGuess.string += character
                    // set escape sequence, only for inside of a JSON string
                    if (isString) {
                        // escape character found,
                        // if another escape character preceded this one,
                        // the following character is not part of an escape sequence
                        // otherwise, the following character is part of an escape sequence
                        if (character === "\\") currentGuess.isEscaped = !isEscaped
                        // if isEscaped is false, loop to possible end of string
                        // if isEscaped is true, ignore escaped single-quote character later
                        // ignore delimiter characters inside of a JSON string,
                        // since they do not overlap with escape sequence
                    // set if in an object field and increase object nesting
                    if (character === "{") {
                        // set if in an object field
                        currentGuess.isObjectField = true
                        currentGuess.isJSONType = "field"
                        // increase object nesting
                    // unset in object field on delimiter and set in object value
                    else if (character === ":") {
                        // unset object field on delimiter
                        currentGuess.isObjectField = false
                        currentGuess.isJSONType = "object-value"
                        // set in object value
                        currentGuess.isObjectValue = true
                    // unset in object value on delimiter and decrease object nesting
                    else if (character === "}") {
                        // unset in object value on delimiter
                        currentGuess.isObjectValue = false
                        // decrease object nesting
                        currentGuess.isJSONType =
                            // if this is nested in a root object,
                            !isArray && isObject
                                ? "object-value"
                                : // if this is nested in a root array,
                                !isObject && isArray
                                ? "array"
                                : // default JSON value type
                                isArray && isObject
                                ? "value"
                                : // end of JSON
                    // increase array nesting
                    else if (character === "[") {
                        currentGuess.isJSONType = "array"
                    // decrease array nesting
                    else if (character === "]") {
                        currentGuess.isJSONType =
                            // if this is nested in a root array,
                            !isObject && isArray
                                ? "array"
                                : // if this is nested in a root object,
                                !isArray && isObject
                                ? "object-value"
                                : // default JSON value type
                                isArray && isObject
                                ? "value"
                                : // end of JSON
                    // only for objects, not array in object, reset field and unset value
                    else if (
                        isObjectValue &&
                        isJSONType === "object-value" &&
                        character === ","
                    ) {
                        // last value ended in last object entry
                        currentGuess.isObjectValue = false
                        // new field started in next object entry
                        currentGuess.isObjectField = true
                        currentGuess.isJSONType = "field"
                    // only attempt to reformat single-quotes
                // try all possible solutions by generating
                // all possible solutions by brute-force
                if (
                        // make copy to prevent mutations
                        currentGuess: { ...currentGuess },
                ) {
                    // create a new guess
                        // try to make a valid JSON string
                        // by keeping this single-quote,
                        string: currentGuess.string + character
                        // // possibly change these to allow for different heuristics
                        // isString: currentGuess.isString,
                        // isEscaped: currentGuess.isEscaped,
                        // isArray: currentGuess.isArray,
                        // isObject: currentGuess.isObject
                        // isObjectField: currentGuess.isObjectField,
                        // isObjectValue: currentGuess.isObjectValue,
                    // try to make a valid JSON string
                    // by replacing this single-quote with a double-quote
                    //! must come after new guess creation
                    currentGuess.string += '"'
                    // // possibly change these to allow for different heuristics
                    // currentGuess.isString = currentGuess.isString
                    // currentGuess.isEscaped = currentGuess.isEscaped
                    // currentGuess.isArray = currentGuess.isArray
                    // currentGuess.isObject = currentGuess.isObject
                    // currentGuess.isObjectField = currentGuess.isObjectField
                    // currentGuess.isObjectValue = currentGuess.isObjectValue
                // use user given heuristics for for how to replace single-quote,
                // or change guess parsing state
                else if (
                        // give current parser guess and state info to heuristic
                ) {
                    /* do nothing... `heuristic` modified object reference directly */
                // use default heuristics
                else if (isString) {
                    // skip if quote is escaped and clearly inside of a string
                    if (isEscaped) {
                        // escape sequence finished
                        currentGuess.isEscaped = false
                        // add normal quote character back to string
                        currentGuess.string += character
                        // loop to next character
                     * @type {String}   JSON object, value, or array ending delimiters.
                    let possibleDelimiters = ""
                    // add contextual delimiters for use in heuristics
                    // delimiter for ending an array,
                    if (isJSONType === "array") possibleDelimiters = ",\\]"
                    // delimiter for ending an object,
                    else if (isJSONType === "object-value") possibleDelimiters = ",}"
                    // delimiter for ending an object field
                    else if (isJSONType === "field" || isObjectField)
                        possibleDelimiters = ":"
                    // delimiter for ending a value
                    else if (isJSONType === "value") possibleDelimiters = ",}\\]"
                     * @type {Boolean} This single-quote is followed by a JSON type
                     *                 delimiter, and likely should be a double-quote.
                    const heuristicDelimiterFollowing =
                        !!possibleDelimiters &&
                        new RegExp(String.raw`^\s*[${possibleDelimiters}]`).test(
                     * @type {RegExpExecArray|null} Finds a different possible solution.
                     *                 Starting from the current character, and not the
                     *                 `followingString`, so the RegExp includes it in the
                     *                 results array, leaving the capturing group with just
                     *                 the alternate possible and validated solution.
                    const heuristicFindValids = new RegExp(
                     * @type {(String|"")} The RegExp validated string capturing group of
                     *                 just the characters before the single-quote to
                     *                 replace in the RexExp auto-filled guess. Skip if
                     *                 empty string, or capturing group is empty string.
                    const regexpCapturingGroup = heuristicFindValids
                        ? heuristicFindValids[1]
                        : ""
                    // both this single-quote and a following single-quote
                    // have potentially correct resolutions, making the solution ambiguous,
                    // so create a new guess to try both solutions
                    if (regexpCapturingGroup) {
                        // only the following single-quote RegExp heuristic passed,
                        // which likely means this is a string character that should be kept,
                        // so use RegEpx auto-fill solution
                        // this guess will replace the single-quote and end the string
                            isString: false,
                            string: currentGuess.string + '"'
                        if (TRY_HARD)
                                isString: true, // stay string
                                string: currentGuess.string + character
                        // keep single-quote and use RegExp solution of all characters before
                        // single-quote from RegExp search that needs to be replaced
                        currentGuess.string += character + regexpCapturingGroup + '"'
                        // the length of the entire RegExp guess string
                        // including ending double-quote
                        currentGuess.aufoFilled = regexpCapturingGroup.length + 1
                        // ended string with double-quote
                        currentGuess.isString = false
                    // only the current single-quote RegExp heuristic passed,
                    // which likely means this is a misformatted string delimiter
                    else if (heuristicDelimiterFollowing) {
                        // WORSE time-complexity mode, custom heuristics but with brute-force
                        if (TRY_HARD)
                                isString: false,
                                string: currentGuess.string + character
                        // replace current misformatted single-quote with a double-quote
                        currentGuess.string += '"'
                        // ended string with double-quote
                        currentGuess.isString = false
                    // neither RegExp heuristic passed,
                    // which likely means this is a string character that should be kept
                    else {
                        // WORSE time-complexity mode, custom heuristics but with brute-force
                        if (TRY_HARD)
                                isString: false, // end string
                                string: currentGuess.string + character
                        // keep single-quote
                        currentGuess.string += character
                // beginning of a JSON string, reformat single-quote
                else {
                    // replace single-quote with double-quote
                    currentGuess.string += '"'
                    // parser now looking for ending single-quote that needs reformatting
                    currentGuess.isString = true
        // try all parsing guesses to see if one works
         * @type   {Number}      Index of guess for debugging information.
        let guessIndex = 0
         * @type   {String[]}    Array of every valid JSON string reformatted.
        const successes = []
        for (const guess of guesses) {
            try {
                // reformatting guess parsed as valid JSON!
                console.log(`successfully parsed #${guessIndex}:`, guess, successes)
            } catch (error) {
                // // catch JSON parsing error and output for debug
                // console.error(`failed: guess #${guessIndex}:`, guess)
        if (successes.length === 1)
            console.log("Parser found definitive answer!\nParsed:", successes[0])
        else if (successes.length > 1)
                "Parser found no definitive answer! Parser found ambiguous answers! Try setting `opts.heuristic` or `opts.bruteForce`, they can get better parsing!\nParsed:",
                "Parser Failed to parse any reformatting guess as a valid JSON string! Try setting `heuristic`, `TRY_HARD`, or `opts.bruteForce` (if necessary), they can get better parsing!"
        // return all valid JSON string guesses
        return successes
    const json1 = `['Bob O'Rielly']`
    const json2 = `['Mr. O'McDonald, height 13',1\\"']`
    const json3 = `[{'fullName':'Bob O'Rielly','height':'13',5\\"'}]`
    const json4 = `[[''''''''''''],[[''''''''],'[]','{}',',',':'],'''''''''''''']`
    const json5 = `[{'techid':'0128','daPoints':3,'speedingPoints':3,'fleetInspectionPoints':3,'lofPoints':3,'missedTrgModules':null,'fullName':'MANPREET SINGH','safetyInspectPoints':3,'missedTrgPoints':3,'speeding_qty':null,'safetyTotalPoints':21,'atFaultPoints':3,'atFaultAccident':null,'region':'PYEM','supervisor':'AGHATOR OSA','driverAlert':null,'status':'A'}]`
    const json6 = `[{'fullName':'Rob O'Rielly','height':'70.5\\"'}]`
    const json7 = `[{'fullName':'Dob MacRielly','height':'13',5\\"'}]`
    console.log(`ANSWERS 1:`, preParse(json1))
    console.log(`ANSWERS 2:`, preParse(json2, undefined, undefined, true))
    console.log(`ANSWERS 3:`, preParse(json3, undefined, undefined, true))
    console.log(`ANSWER 4:`, preParse(json4))
    console.log(`ANSWER 5:`, preParse(json5))
        `ANSWER 6:`,
        preParse(json6, () => true, undefined)
    console.log(`ANSWER 7:`, preParse(json7, undefined, undefined, true))