I am using this setup to generate a ddl file:
The generation is executed via a specific test in Maven validation phase:
@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = Replace.NONE)
@TestPropertySource(locations = "/ddl.properties")
public class GenerateDDL {
private EntityManager em;
public void generateDDL() throws IOException {
This is working fine, with on problem: the generator does not create a new file but just appends always it's stuff.
Is there a way or setting to let generator always create a new file or clean up the old?
Deleting it within the test would delete it after generation. We also need the file to be published on git thus it is not generated within target
UPDATE There seems at least no solution within Hibernate (until Hibernate 6): https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-11817
Is there a way to hook into Spring context creation - before persistence context is created? There i could delete the file.
TLDR: Assuming your spring boot project includes a version of Hibernate >= 5.5.3, then to configure the schema file(s) to be overwritten (i.e. disable appending) you would add this entry in your application.properties
Since Hibernate version 5.5.3 there is a new property available that can be set to disable the appending behaviour. From the Hibernate User Guide:
26.15. Automatic schema generation
(default value) orfalse
)For cases where the
value indicates that schema commands should be written to DDL script file,hibernate.hbm2ddl.schema-generation.script.append
specifies if schema commands should be appended to the end of the file rather than written at the beginning of the file. Values aretrue
for appending schema commands to the end of the file,false
for writing achema commands at the beginning of the file.