I have two opposite methods that I have to test
First method
private boolean isGeoOrtInboundPortabilityToNonGeoSipFiber(Character oldNdipAffectation,
Character newNdipAffectation) {
return isNdip09NatifVoipSip(newNdipAffectation)
&& isNdipGeoOperator(oldNdipAffectation);
Second method
private boolean isNonGeoSipOutboundPortabilityToGeoFiberOrt(Character oldNdipAffectation,
Character newNdipAffectation) {
return isNdipGeoOperator(newNdipAffectation)
&& isNdip09NatifVoipSip(oldNdipAffectation);
Here is the implementation
protected void checkRenumberingValidation(Character oldNdipAffectation,
NdipRenumberingRequest request, String basicatCode) {
var oldNdipIndicatif = findIndicatifByNd(request.getOldNdip());
var newNdipIndicatif = findIndicatifByNd(request.getNewNdip());
if (!isClassicIpPortedNds(request)
|| !isGeoOrtInboundPortabilityToNonGeoSipFiber(oldNdipAffectation, newNdipAffectation)
|| !isNonGeoSipOutboundPortabilityToGeoFiberOrt(oldNdipAffectation, newNdipAffectation)
|| !isRtcPortabilityToFiberSip(newNdipIndicatif, oldNdipAffectation, newNdipAffectation,
&& (
!Objects.equals(newNdipIndicatif.getZne().getCzne(), oldNdipIndicatif.getZne().getCzne())
|| !Objects.equals(newNdipIndicatif.getCsitugeo(), oldNdipIndicatif.getCsitugeo()))
) {
If I pass 'D' and 'P' this will cause throwFunctionalException(ERROR_34) and that is fine
!isGeoOrtInboundPortabilityToNonGeoSipFiber('D', 'P') // Throw exception which is expected
The problem is the isRtcPortabilityToFiberSip()
method is never reached because if I pass 'P' and 'D'
!isGeoOrtInboundPortabilityToNonGeoSipFiber('P', 'D') // Pass
isNonGeoSipOutboundPortabilityToGeoFiberOrt('P', 'D') // Throw exception which is expected
!isRtcPortabilityToFiberSip(newNdipIndicatif, oldNdipAffectation, newNdipAffectation,
basicatCode) // never reached
How to reach !isRtcPortabilityToFiberSip
with JUnit 5?
I googled the problem without any solution.
You ought to have three different test functions:
public void testIsGeoOrtInboundPortabilityToNonGeoSipFiber() throws Exception
!isGeoOrtInboundPortabilityToNonGeoSipFiber('P', 'D') // Pass
@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void testIsNonGeoSipOutboundPortabilityToGeoFiberOrt() throws Exception
isNonGeoSipOutboundPortabilityToGeoFiberOrt('P', 'D') // Throw exception which is expected
public void testIsRtcPortabilityToFiberSip() throws Exception
!isRtcPortabilityToFiberSip(newNdipIndicatif, oldNdipAffectation, newNdipAffectation,
basicatCode) // never reached, but now it will be!
A good practice is to have one assertion per test (although this is flexible)
Your code does not really have assertions (they could be added by having checkRenumberingValidation
return a boolean value, instead of throwing an exception when objects are not equal), but the conditions are being checked adequately, just in a more roundabout way than usual.
For more reading about testing, I highly recommend the JUnit FAQ
(written when JUnit 4 was current, but nearly all concepts can be applied generally -- this is a classic)