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Evaluate code block in quarto dependant on evaluation of an R variable

I have the following quarto document, and I want to execute the second code block depending on the value of OK. As below, it does not work. I tried double and triple backticks, using only OK, but nothing worked. How can I do this?

title: "Test"
format: html

## Set a variable


## Running Code depending on value of `OK`

#| eval: `r OK`
print("OK is TRUE - otherwise you won't see anything here.")


  • You can use R code as chunk option values by prefacing them with !expr.

    title: "Test"
    format: html
    ## Set a variable
    OK <- FALSE
    ## Running Code depending on value of `OK`
    #| eval: !expr OK
    print("OK is TRUE - otherwise you won't see anything here.")

    use of r code as chunk option