I am doing fluentValidation for my .net core web api project. I created a few classProjects in my project and made the configuration accordingly.
When there is a "Validations" folder under InventoryManagement.Services, validations do not work.
But when I import the "Validations" folder into "InventoryManagement.API" the validations work fine.
How can I overcome this situation?
So I want "Validations" files to stay in "InventoryManagement.Services".
InventoryManagement.API, Program.cs
Automatic validation is done with the following code block, but it only sees when it is in InventoryManagement.API, I want it to see "Validations" under "InventoryManagement.Services" instead
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); instead I just need to point to "InventoryManagement.Services" but how can I point it?
All my Validators have a structure like below
public class CompanyUpdateDtoValidator : AbstractValidator<CompanyUpdateDto>
public CompanyUpdateDtoValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Id).NotNull().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required").NotEmpty().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required.");
RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotNull().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required.").NotEmpty().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required.");
RuleFor(x => x.Description).NotNull().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required").NotEmpty().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required");
RuleFor(x => x.BusinessCode).NotNull().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required.").NotEmpty().WithMessage("{PropertyName} this field is required.");
The Fluent team announced that they will remove the method you are using. It could be because of this.https://github.com/FluentValidation/FluentValidation/issues/1963 Can you add like this