Search code examples

Group by Ranges and Pivot

I'm using the latest version of Clickhouse and trying to do a group/pivot by city and age range. For example, anyone who lives in Chicago with one group being 18-34, then 35-45, etc.

WITH pivot as  
        SELECT city_name , 
            when age<=34 then '18-34'
            when agebetween 35 and 44 then '35-44'
            when agebetween 45 AND 54 then '45-54'
            else 'Other' end as agg_age  
        FROM people where city_name in ['Chicago','Libertyville']  
SELECT city_name , groupArray( 
    ), count(*) FROM pivot 
group by city_name

I'm receiving There is no supertype for types String, UInt8 because some of them are String/FixedString and some of them are not. now since I switched from the Age to a String.It was returning a lot of ages before I grouped it which was expected.

What I want to see is one row with the column headings being the age groups. I can group some in the code so it's not a requirement the column names are the age groups only that the code will have enough to pull it from the results.


  • create table people (city_name String, age Int16) engine=Memory 
    as select ['Chicago','Libertyville'][number%2+1], rand()%101 
    from numbers(1e4);
    SELECT city_name, groupArray((agg_age, cnt))
    from (
      SELECT city_name , 
           when age<=34 then '18-34'
           when age between 35 and 44 then '35-44'
           when age between 45 AND 54 then '45-54'
           else 'Other' end as agg_age,
           count() cnt
      FROM people where city_name in ['Chicago','Libertyville'] 
      group by city_name, agg_age
      order by city_name, agg_age
    ) group by city_name
    ┌─city_name────┬─groupArray(tuple(agg_age, cnt))─────────────────────────────┐
    │ Chicago      │ [('18-34',1779),('35-44',487),('45-54',527),('Other',2207)] │
    │ Libertyville │ [('18-34',1720),('35-44',527),('45-54',471),('Other',2282)] │
    SELECT city_name, 
           (groupArray((agg_age, cnt)) as x)[1].2 `18-34`,
           x[2].2 `35-44`,
           x[3].2 `45-54`,
           x[4].2 `Other`
    from (
      SELECT city_name , 
           when age<=34 then '18-34'
           when age between 35 and 44 then '35-44'
           when age between 45 AND 54 then '45-54'
           else 'Other' end as agg_age,
           count() cnt
      FROM people where city_name in ['Chicago','Libertyville'] 
      group by city_name, agg_age
      order by city_name, agg_age
    ) group by city_name
    │ Chicago      │  1779 │   487 │   527 │  2207 │
    │ Libertyville │  1720 │   527 │   471 │  2282 │