I'm trying to convert this code from Javascript to Python3:
import crypto from 'crypto';
const secretKey = 'NgTriSCalcUltAbLoGResOnOuSeAKeSTraLryOuR'
function verifySignature(rawBody) {
const calculatedSignature = crypto
.createHmac('sha256', secretKey)
.update(rawBody, 'utf8')
return calculatedSignature;
With that code I get this output: vC8XBte0duRLElGZ4jCsplsbXnVTwBW4BJsUV1qgZbo=
So I'm trying to convert the same function to Python using this code:
import hmac
import hashlib
message = "a"
key= "NgTriSCalcUltAbLoGResOnOuSeAKeSTraLryOuR"
hmac1 = hmac.new(key=key.encode(), msg=message.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
message_digest1 = hmac1.hexdigest()
But I get this error: AttributeError: 'hash' object has no attribute 'digest_size'
Can someone tell me what I am missing to achieve the same output in Python?
Thanks you! :)
You're not getting base64 from the digest() on your return statement. In your javascript code it was also encoded in UTF-8 which should be specified below. The key was also not supplied in your python code.
This code snippet I just tested should generate the same result as your javascript code:
def newhashab(msg, key):
digest = hmac.new(key.encode('UTF-8'), msg.encode('UTF-8'), hashlib.sha256)
return base64.b64encode(digest.digest()).decode('UTF-8')
print(newhashab("a", 'NgTriSCalcUltAbLoGResOnOuSeAKeSTraLryOuR'))
It should return: