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Use step number instead of checkmark for Mui Stepper Completed StepIcon

I'm using Mui Stepper from material-ui@4.11.3 in a React project.

I searched on Stackoverflow and on Github but I didn't find a way to show the number of the step when it has been completed instead of showing the Checkmark icon, which is the default behaviour of the Step Component.

This is a picture of the current behaviour

Step 1 is completed: A checkmark icon is displayed.

enter image description here

And this is the desired behaviour:

enter image description here

I just want to replace the checkmark icon with the number of the step and keep the styles unchanged.

This is my implementation of the Stepper and the styles that I used

    style={{ background: 'transparent', width: '100%' }}
      { => (
         <Step key={x.label}>
               disabled={!onStepAction || x.order > activeStep}
               onClick={() => onStepAction(x.order)}
                     label: classes.label,
                     active: classes.activeLabel,
                     completed: classes.completedLabel,
                   classes: {
                     root: classes.icon,
                     active: classes.activeIcon,
                     completed: classes.completedIcon,
const styles = theme => ({
    root: {},
    icon: {
      borderRadius: "50%",
      border: "2px solid #ffffff",
      transform: "scale(1.2)",
      color: colorMap.white,
      '&$activeIcon': {
        color: theme.palette.primary.main,
        "& text": {
          fill: colorMap.white,
      "& text": {
        display: "block !important",
        fill: theme.palette.primary.main,
      '&$completedIcon': {
        color: theme.palette.primary.main,
        backgroundColor: colorMap.white,
    activeIcon: {},
    completedIcon: {},
    label: {
      color: colorMap.white,
      '&$activeLabel': {
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        color: colorMap.white,
      '&$completedLabel': {
        color: colorMap.white,
    activeLabel: {},
    completedLabel: {},


  • This can be achieved by adding the StepIconComponent prop to where you make use of StepLabel like so:

          label: classes.label,
          active: classes.activeLabel,
          completed: classes.completedLabel,
        classes: {
          root: classes.icon,
          active: classes.activeIcon,
          completed: classes.completedIcon,
      StepIconComponent={(props) => (
          active={ || props.completed}

    enter image description here

    This will force the StepIcon component into a active and not completed state when the step is either completed or active which renders what you are after. For a more explicit solution, implement your own StepIcon component.