I have a sheet with +100 000 records It is just a product ID and a Year
I need to extract the IDs that have the year 2019 only - and no earlier year than that. So in the image below I just want to get line 9 and 10. For example, Product ID 4488, has year 2013,2012,2010 so those I want to exclude.
I have tried some conditional formulas but I dont get the result I want
If all entries are unique (same ID with same year not repeated). You could use something like this =IF(AND(COUNTIF(A:A,A2)=1,B2=2019),A2,"")
in C2
and doubleclick or drag down.
COUNTIF finds how many times ID appears in a list (obviously more than one time would mean that there are multiple years). So rest of formula checks if ID appeared only one time and is year 2019. Result: