I have 2 Spring Boot applications (2.6.10) that need to communicate via RabbitMQ / AMQP. App #1 is Spring Integration based and uses
to send messages in flow #1
Amqp.inboundAdapter(connectionFactory, "app2-to-1")
to receive messages in flow #2
App #2 is using RabbitListener to receive messages from App #1, process them immediately and return a reply:
public MyResponse handleMessage(final MyRequest request) {
var myResponse = this.process(myRequest);
However, upon receiving myRequest
in App #2, the response cannot be send, due to:
AmqpException: Cannot determine ReplyTo message property value: Request message does not contain reply-to property, and no default response Exchange was set.
Question is: Why is the routing key from convertAndSend ignored or how to set reply-to property with Amqp.outboundAdapter?
Your error has nothing to do with the convertAndSend()
It is the problem of the @RabbitListener
method signature.
Since you don't deal with request-reply pattern, your listener method must have a void
return type. Otherwise it tries to send that MyResponse
object as a reply message body and therefore we see that error trying to resolve ReplyTo
from default strategy.