I have 3 documents types :
"formId": "7508e7b2-bcf7-437b-a206-9fee87256d01",
"dataValues": [
"questionId": "Someguid123",
"questionValue": "Question1"
"questionId": "Someguid",
"questionValue": "Question2"
"questionId": "AnotherGuid",
"questionValue": "Question3"
"lastUpdateDateTime": "2023-01-04T10:56:49Z",
"type": "Data",
"templateId": "41e4cc2c-e9fb-4bdc-9dc2-af19e5988984",
"creationDateTime": "2022-12-28T11:20:46Z"
"id": "AttachedDocuments::77961b70-2071-4410-837a-436c908a4fa5",
"lastUpdateDateTime": "2023-01-05T11:47:17Z",
"documents": [
"isUploaded": false,
"id": "DocumentMetadata::001",
"isDeleted": false,
"type": "photo",
"parentId": "Someguid123"
"isUploaded": false,
"id": "DocumentMetadata::002",
"isDeleted": false,
"type": "photo",
"parentId": "Someguid123"
"type": "AttachedDocuments",
"parentDocId": "MyFormData::7508e7b2-bcf7-437b-a206-9fee87256d01",
"creationDateTime": "2022-12-28T11:20:46Z"
"id": "DocumentMetadata::001",
"type": "DocumentMetadata",
"name": "MyForm_001.png",
"documentId": "549c4da2-ad3a-4f92-bfa2-019750a11007",
"contentType": "FILE",
"parentDocumentId": "AttachedDocuments::77961b70-2071-4410-837a-436c908a4fa5",
"creationDateTime": "2023-01-04T10:56:49Z"
"id": "DocumentMetadata::002",
"type": "DocumentMetadata",
"name": "MyForm_002.png",
"documentId": "549c4da2-ad3a-4f92-bfa2-019750a11007",
"contentType": "FILE",
"parentDocumentId": "AttachedDocuments::77961b70-2071-4410-837a-436c908a4fa5",
"creationDateTime": "2023-01-04T10:56:49Z"
Every Data type document has only one AttachedDocuments document with parentDocId*
field set to formId
field of Data document.
If items in Data.dataValues
has a document attached to it, AttachedDocuments.documents
array have items with parentId
field set to Data.dataValues[i].questionId
Also every AttachedDocuments.documents[i]
item has a DocumentMetadata document with id
of AttachedDocuments.documents[i].id
I want to have a query which returns all Data.dataValues
as an array but containing a field links
that contains the DocumentMetadata.name
field like below :
"questionId": "Someguid123",
"questionValue": "Question1",
"links": ["MyForm_001.png", "MyForm_002.png"]
"questionId": "Someguid",
"questionValue": "Question2"
"questionId": "AnotherGuid",
"questionValue": "Question3"
I tried unnest clause but couldn't output datavalues items without documents. How should I write the query to include those also?
Thank you
Assuming you have a 1:1 relationship between Data & AttachedDocuments, you can try:
CREATE SCOPE default.f;
CREATE COLLECTION default.f.AttachedDocuments;
CREATE COLLECTION default.f.DocumentMetaData;
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default.f.DocumentMetaData(id);
SELECT dataValues.questionId, dataValues.questionValue, links
FROM default.f.Data join default.f.AttachedDocuments ON "MyFormData::"||Data.formId = AttachedDocuments.parentDocId
UNNEST Data.dataValues AS dataValues
LET links = (SELECT RAW DocumentMetaData.name
FROM default.f.DocumentMetaData
WHERE DocumentMetaData.parentDocumentId = AttachedDocuments.id
AND id IN ARRAY a.id FOR a IN AttachedDocuments.documents WHEN a.parentId = dataValues.questionId END
If you have a 1:n relationship between Data & AttachedDocuments but the attachments for a single question are wholly in a single attached document:
CREATE INDEX ix2 ON default.f.AttachedDocuments(parentDocId);
CREATE INDEX ix3 ON default.f.AttachedDocuments(id);
SELECT dataValues.questionId, dataValues.questionValue, links
FROM default.f.Data join default.f.AttachedDocuments ON "MyFormData::"||Data.formId = AttachedDocuments.parentDocId
UNNEST Data.dataValues as dataValues
LET links = (SELECT RAW md.name
FROM default.f.AttachedDocuments ad JOIN default.f.DocumentMetaData md ON ad.id = md.parentDocumentId
UNNEST ad.documents d
WHERE ad.parentDocId = "MyFormData::"||Data.formId
AND d.id = md.id
AND d.parentId = dataValues.questionId
WHERE ANY dv IN AttachedDocuments.documents SATISFIES dv.parentId = dataValues.questionId END
If attachments for a single question can be spread over multiple attached documents, add a DISTINCT to the above statement.
(You can use the same logic without collections adding appropriate aliasing and type field filtering.)