So I need to select all spaces not between quotes and delete them, I am using regex in Javascript notation.
For example:
" Test Test " ab c " Test" "Test " "Test" "T e s t"
" Test Test "abc" Test""Test ""Test""T e s t"
UPDATE: I am looking for a solution that would work in the above test setting:
The goal is to effectively tokenize this long sentence by these spaces not included within quotes, but I figured the answer to the above question was more concise and easier to read/answer.
All Spaces not within quotes should be highlighted in the above setting. If they are highlighted in the above setting they would be parsed as follows:
[" Test Test ",ab,c," Test","Test ","Test","T e s t"]
My attempted solution was:
You may use this regex for .split
This regex will split on spaces if those are outside double quotes by using a lookahead to make sure there are even number of quotes after space.
const str = '" Test Test " ab c " Test" "Test " "Test" "T e s t"';
var arr = str.split(/\s+(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/);
"\" Test Test \"",
"\" Test\"",
"\"Test \"",
"\"T e s t\""