// I have the following code
// this is for refreshing the token and it works perfectly fine
export async function refreshTokenGenerator() {
const url = RefreshCurrentTokenURL;
const refreshTokenGeneratedFirst = newUser.getRefreshToken();
const response = await axios
.post(url, {
refreshToken: refreshTokenGeneratedFirst,
.catch((error) => {
"🚀 ~ file: auth.js:118 ~ refreshTokenGenerator ~ error cant refresh token",
const newRefreshTokenGenerated = response.data.refreshToken;
// assign the new generated refresh token to the user model
// Refresh token loop works fine, no error from overriding the RT
const assignNewRefreshTokenToUserModel = newUser.setRefreshToken(
// access token loops works fine,
// use it whenever u receive error 401 because it means that AT expired
const newAccessTokenGenerated = response.data.token;
return newAccessTokenGenerated;
// This part is for authenticating the menu and fetching the categories
async function authenticateMenu() {
const url = CategoriesAuthUrl;
let userToken = newUser.getToken();
const authStr = "Bearer ".concat(userToken);
const options = {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: authStr,
url: url,
const response = await axios(options).catch(async (error) => {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
// should call the refreshToken to refresh the access and refresh token
console.log("Error 401 unauthorized");
const newUserToken = await updateAccessToken();
userToken = newUserToken;
"😡 ~ file: menu.js:28 ~ authenticateMenu ~ Error getting categories from API call",
const fetchedCategories = response.data;
"🚀 ~ file: menu.js:40 ~ authenticateMenu ~ fetchedCategories",
return fetchedCategories;
// Get Categories
export async function getCategories() {
return authenticateMenu();
**In my HomeScreen I call the fetch categories like this**
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchCatHandler() {
const categoriesFetched = await getCategories().catch((error) => {
"🟥 ~ file: HomeScreen.js:63 ~ fetchCatHandler ~ error from fetching categories from Home screen",
async function getUserName() {
setUserName(await newUser.getUserName());
}, []);
// The code works perfectly fine until the access token is expired. Hence, whenever I receive error.response.status === 401 I call the function updateAccessToken which regenerates new access and refresh token and I save these in the user model
// when I fetch the categories it works fine up until the access token expires and I get the error [AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401].
// Any idea what am I missing/doing wrong??
export async function updateAccessToken() {
console.log("updateAccessToken called");
const newGeneratedTokenAfterExpiration = await refreshTokenGenerator();
const userToken = newGeneratedTokenAfterExpiration;
return userToken;
Once you've gotten an 401, the response is over. It doesn't change the response if you alter the token afterward. After getting a 401 and generating a new token, you should've sent a new request with the new token and return its response instead.
async function authenticateMenu() {
const url = CategoriesAuthUrl;
let userToken = newUser.getToken();
const authStr = "Bearer ".concat(userToken);
const options = {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: authStr,
url: url,
const response = await axios(options).catch(async (error) => {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
// should call the refreshToken to refresh the access and refresh token
console.log("Error 401 unauthorized");
const newUserToken = await updateAccessToken();
userToken = newUserToken;
// >>>>> This doesn't effect the current req/resposnse. After reseting the token you should send another request, with the new token
"😡 ~ file: menu.js:28 ~ authenticateMenu ~ Error getting categories from API call",
const fetchedCategories = response.data;
"🚀 ~ file: menu.js:40 ~ authenticateMenu ~ fetchedCategories",
return fetchedCategories;
Regardless, you shouldn't refresh the token after it has already expired. It's not secure
Best of luck with your project:)