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Does Pebble templating engine provide any methods to manually designate i18n locale

I am using Pebble to process mail content, and it works great,
usually I make it getting locale from environment variables:

private Environment env;

PebbleTemplate template = pebbleEngine.getTemplate(templateName);
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
template.evaluate(writer, templateVars, Locale.forLanguageTag(env.getProperty("system-prop.locale")));
String content = writer.toString();
{{ i18n("messages/mail", "welcome.words") }}

Now I've got some extraordinary templates that I would like to put both English and French messages at the same time,
does Pebble provides any methods to manually designate locale like

{{i18n "welcome.words" locale="en_US"}}<br />
{{i18n "welcome.words" locale="fr_FR"}}


  • Currently, it is not supported. It always use the locale from the spring context. I suggest that you provide a custom function and use it for your need.